If, for any reason, you are currently unable to schedule a consultation with me to help your marriage overcome its difficulties, perhaps this recorded lecture of mine on the topic of marriage, "Does marriage have to be bleak?", will help and answer some of the questions you may have.

Svaki video bavi se određenom temom, a nastavlja se na prethodni.

In my lectures, I address the definition of marriage. What do couples most commonly answer when I ask them what marriage is, and what is marriage actually? What issues do couples most often seek help for at my counseling service, and on whose initiative? How do couples usually attempt to solve their marital problems, and why does their approach often lead to new issues? What leads us to happiness and marital satisfaction? Do we enter marriage with premeditation or genuinely in love?
Rasčlanit ćemo čovjeka na njegove “sastavne dijelove” da bismo ga lakše razumjeli. Muškarac i žena se razlikuju na većini dimenzija i zbog nerazumijevanja naših razlika često patimo.
Koliko zapravo poznajemo svog supružnika, jesmo li ga ikada zapravo pitali tko je on u suštini dok smo hodali? O čemu razgovaramo u svojim vezama?
Mora li brak biti mrak? Video 1
Is there a quick fix for marital problems? How much effort is needed to achieve a deep relationship in any partnership? What place does my spouse hold in my life? How much time should be spent daily with a spouse to maintain a healthy and intimate relationship? How much affection do I exchange in my marriage, and is it important to me? Am I nurturing marital unity?
Mora li brak biti mrak? Video 1
Treća osoba u braku? Tko su treće osobe u našim brakovima? Zbog čega puštamo treće osobe u naš brak?
Zbog čega imamo problema u komunikaciji u braku?
Zašto je moj bračni partner šutljiv? Zbog čega se s njim ne da razgovarati?
Kako najčešće rješavamo probleme u komunikaciji?
Mora li brak biti mrak? Video 1
Zadaci parovima u krizi sastoje se od psihološkog, fizičkog i duhovnog dijela. Savjetujem prestanak svađe i odvojenu meditaciju.
Koraci koji vode ka pomirenju opisani su u videu.
Kako se uspijemo dovesti do narušenih bračnih odnosa? Što su to nevaljani brakovi i primjeri nevaljanih brakova.
Nabrojat ću dvije vrste nevaljanih brakova koje susrećem u savjetovalištu.
Mora li brak biti mrak? Video 1
I will also mention a third type of marriage that I encounter in my counseling practice, and when I see this type of marriage, I pause and admire it. Such couples, of course, do not come due to marital difficulties but for other reasons. We will take a look together into the home of one such marriage and discover their habits and routines, which may help me understand if I need to introduce any changes into my own marriage and our shared routine.
Na kraju slijedi ohrabrenje iz vlastitog primjera braka.